Online Experts
NUST - Prof Chigbu
Professor Department of Land and Property Sciences
Dr.-Ing. Michael Klaus
Hanns-Seidel-Foundation Chief Representative of Hanns-Seidel-Foundation
Office Shandong Programm Director Development of Rural Areas in China
About International Land Governance and Societal Development Conference
The land governance and societal development discourse at the global level are premised on the fact that global common problems (including tenure insecurity, COVID-19 concerns, land degradation, biodiversity loss, land grabbing, and gender imbalance in the exercise of land rights, etc.) require knowledge building and capacity development solutions wherever they may be –in the global south or global north. Although governments must play a primary role in creating an enabling environment for good land governance and societal development, other stakeholders have activities, roles, and responsibilities on the governance of land resources. In response to this, The Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), in close cooperation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF), will be organizing an interactive international e-conference (incorporation with its partners) for the global public to foster dialogue on the state of land governance and societal development around the world.
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